Privacy statement
Ensemble Klang handles all personal data in a safe manner and respects the privacy of those involved. All data is handled according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) / Algemene verordening gegevensbescherming (AVG) and is processed carefully. Only personal data that is necessary for a specific purpose is processed.
Personal data is not stored longer than absolutely necessary. Saving personal data can be necessary to carry out our obligations to customers, concert stages, personnel and business associates.
You can send us an email via if you would like to access or correct the personal data we have collected from you.
In case of a data leak we will inform anyone involved as soon as possible and we will inform the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens directly.
If you place an order on our Bandcamp Page, we collect your name, e-mail, billing and shipment address in order to complete and deliver your order. E-mail addresses we receive from our buyers via Bandcamp are only used to email you about your order and are not shared, rented, or sold to others for any other purpose.
(Embedded) Posts on this website may contain data like YouTube videos or Soundcloud files. This embedded content collects data about users as if you were on their site. So these websites can collect data about you, enclose tracking by third parties and monitor your interaction with this embedded content if you have an account and are logged on to that website.
To provide you with the best user experience of our website we use Google Analytics. Because your IP-address use of our website stay completely anonymous the GDPR has decided this ‘cookie’ can be placed without your consent. If you regardless would like to block the Analytics script you can download an opt-out plugin for Google Analytics here.